
Tuesday 18 December 2012

When should you start learning ABCs and 123s

I have often blogged about H and it's time I talk a little about my little girl L. Hubs at times passes comments that at L's age, H already knows his phonics and numbers extremely well. Perhaps it's high time we start teaching her? I normally just brushes it off by saying "It's ok she's only 2. She'll start learning when she's ready".

Being siblings, H and L are as different as day and night. H displayed keen interest in letters and numbers from a very young age. And being extremely inquisitive and borderline obsessive, he will go on and on the same subject for weeks. L, on the other hand, has not really displayed the same interest in letters or numbers. She loves stories, but if you so much as try to teach her letters or numbers, she'll lose interest and walks away. She's however, extremely articulate for her age. She can hold conversations and even argue with you. Her ability to comprehend is also amazing. For example, I'll read her a new book once and ask her questions about the story and she would be able to answer me correctly, which means she really understands the plot. Once her teacher from Tweedlewink actually asked if L has photographic memory. And she's always listening to other people's conversations although she seems to be busy playing. Once I had a leaking pipe and the plumber failed to rectify it despite several attempts so I got rather frustrated and vented to my dad when he came over. We were talking over the gate while the kids were playing outside. That same evening, L asked me, "Mommy why did you say the plumber was silly?" Then she answered her own question, "He didn't fix it".

So I'm confident that L will pick up her ABCs and 123s when she's ready. For now, I'm just happy for her to play, sing and dance. I'll perhaps only start worrying when she turns 4.

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