Fast forward to now, H is enjoying his tennis lessons. Why tennis? I read that tennis is a great first sport for kids. It helps develop the greatest number of skills required for the greatest number of other sports and activities (see chart below). So hopefully with a good grounding in these skills, he'll grow to love and enjoy an array of sporting activities!
A little description on how tennis develops the above skills:- Throwing. The service and overhead motion in tennis is identical to baseball and football
- Catching. The soft-hand skills required for volleying, as well as dropshots, lobs, and other touch shots in tennis are terrific catching skill-builders for other sports
- Striking. Anyone who has played tennis knows how much easier tennis makes learning all other racquet sports. Studies have proven significant carry-overs from one racquet sport to others, as well as to other striking activities like baseball and hockey
- Running & Striking. This very specific skill is one of the most challenging features of tennis, and one of the most valuable skill-builders a developing athlete can master
- Movement Rhythm. Sports educators are now broadly beginning to emphasize the importance of rhythm in sports, although dance teachers have long expounded its benefits. Because tennis is a continuous rhythm activity, it offers many timing and rhythm benefits not available from many other sports
- 3-Step Movement Pattern. Almost all baseline movement can be covered in three steps
- Aerobic. Although tennis is accepted as more anaerobic than aerobic, the aerobic benefits of playing tennis are very high as compared to other sports such as baseball or golf
- Anaerobic. Competitive and moderate tennis scored near the top of the list when comparing calories burned by different activities over a 3-hour period. This makes tennis a wonderful first sport to build both stamina and strength in children
- Team-building. Most junior tennis classes are organised in a group learning environment, encouraging a team atmosphere within an individual sport