
Friday 19 October 2012

H the Little Paranoid

H is a little kia-see (direct translation from hokkien = scared to die). He gets paranoid over the slightest things. Definitely didn't take after me :-)

Case 1: The Deadly Aedes
H was asking me one morning early this week about why mosquitoes bite. So while explaining to him about the difference between male and female mosquitoes, etc, I thought it'd be a good idea to show him some photos of mosquitoes. So me and my big mouth, I pointed to one of the pictures and said "oh if you see this mosquito with black and white stripes you better stay away cos this is an aedes mosquito. it will make you sick if it bites you."

H: Will you die?
Me: No you won't die. You just need to go to the hospital
H: I saw lots of aedes mosquitoes in <school's> playground *with a very concerned look on his face*
Me: Next time you tell your teachers ok. Ask her to put mosquito repellent for the children

That night...
H: Mommy is there any mosquito in my room?
Me: No
H: How do you know? I'm scared if there's aedes in the room
Me: I've an idea, I'll apply some mosquito repellent on you ok. Then the mozzie won't come near you
H: The mozzie doesn't like repellent?
Me: Yup

And every night since, H insists that I apply mosquito repellent on him (and he never forgets, not even one night).

Case 2: Zombie Eyes
Me: It's late already dear. Quick go to sleep. Mommy's also tired and I wanna sleep already otherwise I'll get zombie eyes
H: What's zombie eyes?
Me: It means your eyes will bulge out and become red and you have dark circles under your eyes *I made a scary face which I immediately regretted*
H: Will I get zombie eyes? *looking very concerned*
Me: Nope if you sleep now you won't
H: No zombie eyes? *still looking concerned*
Me: Nope

The next morning...
H: Mommy do I have zombie eyes?

Case 3: Bleed to Death
H gets extremely hyper when it approaches bedtime and he'll run from room to room including into the bathrooms. To stop him from endangering himself (cos there're glass screens in the shower area), I told him the article I read in the newspaper about how a little boy ran into a glass door, shattered it, got a big cut on a major artery and bled to death. *Another mistake on my part for telling him something so gruesome*

The other day I got a cut on my big toe by accidently kicking the bottom of the aluminium toilet door. It was just a small cut but blood was gushing out non stop. H was flabbergasted.

H: Are you gonna die mommy?
Me: No, I just need tissue, can you get me some tissue and a plaster please?
H: The blood will all come out then you will have no more blood and you will die

I wonder who H takes after... *ahem ahem*... hehehe :p

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