
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Smart Mandarin Kids

Since I was on leave yesterday I took H for a trial class at Smart Mandarin Kids. As usual, he was reluctant to go when I told him we were going to try out a new class. After much persuasion he agreed (I told him I will be going into class with him). I must say I was quite proud of H. He actually participated after he warmed up. I was expecting him to be all clingy as he usually is when he's in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people.

The class is of mixed aged (4-6 year olds), most if not all of the children are from english speaking homes so the kids all spoke to each other in english. Perhaps this is the reason why H was not too intimidated. In the car, he asked if the teachers spoke english. I told him "well it's a mandarin class so the teachers will speak in mandarin", and he was concerned that he won't understand them. The class was however not conducted entirely in mandarin. Although the teachers spoke mainly in mandarin, they always translate what they said into english for the kids to understand. Not sure if this is good or bad.

We were half and hour late so we missed the start of the lesson which apparently consists of circle time. When we arrived it was snack time. H was invited to sit together and eat with the other children.  He wanted to sit in a separate table with me, so fine. After finishing his biscuits, he wanted more. So I told him he has to go to the front and ask the teacher for more and he did that. He even said xie xie to the teacher.

After snack time it was flashcard time. I won't really call it flashcard time cos the teacher didn't flash the cards. She basically showed them the words on the cards and the children shouted out the words. Next she showed them picture cards and the children shouted out what was on the cards. H got interested as he knows some of the words on the cards but as usual he just whispered the answers while the other children enthusiastically shouted out so the teacher couldn't really hear him. He then got disinterested and started running around.

Next it was play time. The kids were ushered into the playroom for free play. H went into the room for a bit but didn't really want to join the other children. He ended up running around by himself (the main classroom is an open area with a 'bus' and slide).

Then it was writing time. H likes doing worksheets so he quickly came and joined the children at the table. I guess I don't have to worry about him and homework when he goes to school next time cos his concentration is really good. While some other kids were talking and running off, he just sat there and did his work. Since he was the first to finish (and really quickly too), the teacher gave him his book (well it's more a compilation of worksheets stapled together) so that he can work on another worksheet. And H almost completed the book too.

It was then time to sing the good bye song. H didn't want to sing. He just couldn't wait to get out... hahaha... I asked him if he enjoyed the class and whether he wanted to come again he said no. I guess that's expected. Then I told him I was proud of him for participating and he was happy and proud that I was proud of him :-)

So, what do I think of Smart Mandarin Kids? I think it's not bad. The teacher told me they usually also have one-to-one time with the older kids to guide them with reading and writing. I'll probably check out a few other places and let H decide. My only qualm is the timing, since they only have afternoon sessions for H's age group. This will pose logistical issues for Po-Po who will be sending him cos I can't really expect Po-Po to travel to and fro our place both mornings and afternoons to chauffer the kids around.

1 comment:

  1. Momster, may I ask in the end which mandarin enrichment class did you send H to?
