
Friday 5 October 2012

Law of attraction

While driving to work this morning I was listening to Michael Losier discussing the Law of Attraction on the Red Breakfast Show. Essentially he's saying that your thoughts and speech give out vibes which will then attract the corresponding outcomes/results. So if you think positive thoughts, you're sending out positive vibrations which will attract positive results; likewise if you think negative thoughts, you're sending out negative vibrations which will attract negative results. So what he's saying is that we should avoid saying 'Can't', 'No' or 'Don't', but instead rephrase our words to reflect what we want to accomplish. We should also avoid repeating undesirable stories about someone as this will just reinforce the undesirable behaviour or characteristics of that person.

I guess this is nothing new but I've never thought of it beyond how we ought to talk to our kids. I've always been reminded by my big sister (who is a trained early childhood educator) that we should never tell the kids (especially toddlers) 'No' or 'Don't' as they would not hear these words but instead only hear what follows. For example if I tell my little girl 'Don't put your fingers in your mouth', she will go ahead and put them in her mouth. If I tell her 'Dont' hit your kor-kor', she will go ahead and hit her brother. I'm sure many of us have experienced this. So the way to handle such situation is always to tell them what you want. For example 'Why don't we go wash our hands' or 'Please sayang your kor-kor like this'. In most cases, this actually works as you distract them from doing the 'negative' to doing the 'positive'.

After this morning's talk, I think I have to apply the Law of Attraction further. I must STOP thinking and telling people that H is shy and has no confidence, and that L is stubborn and defiant. Instead, I MUST start projecting positive thoughts and imagine how a confident H is and how a well-behaved L is :-) 

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